Creating a Homemade Sensory Board for Autism

A homemade sensory board is a fantastic way to engage children in sensory exploration. Whether your child is in ABA therapy, or you just want a fun at home craft, this activity promotes learning, creativity, and fine motor development. Let’s explore how to create your own sensory board! 

Benefits of the Homemade Sensory Board 

  • Scooping, pouring, and manipulating objects on the sensory board improves hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity. 
  • Children experience various textures, colors, and sensory inputs, enhancing their sensory processing skills. 
  • Sensory play can help regulate emotions and reduce anxiety. 
  • Children can express themselves by arranging and interacting with the sensory items. 

Materials Needed: 

  • Cardboard, plywood, or foam board as the base for your sensory board. 
  • Gather various objects that offer different sensory experiences. Think about things that roll, things you can push, fuzzy textures, and bouncy materials. 
  • Use everyday household items to attach to the board. 
  • Use glue or other adhesive to attach the items securely to the board. 

Steps to Create Your Homemade Sensory Board: 

  • Select a sturdy material for your sensory board. Cardboard, plywood, or foam board work well. 
  • Cut it to your desired size. You can make it large or small, depending on the available space and preferences. 
  • Collect Sensory Items: Fuzzy textures, Bottle caps, plastic lids, or textured fabrics. 
  • Use glue or adhesive to secure your items in place. 

Remember that every child is unique, so adapt the sensory board to their preferences and needs. Have fun creating your homemade sensory board, and watch your child engage in hours of entertaining exploration! 

If you’re interested in learning more about how ABA therapy can benefit your child, or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you on this journey. Give us a call at (855) 444-5664 to get started


Looking for more sensory friendly crafts? Checkout our blog on how to make your own Sensory Cube, and DIY Rainbow Rice sensory bin.

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