It’s almost Christmas! Break out the stockings, candy canes, and presents – join us for our Virtual Santa Event! In order to spread holiday cheer to our kiddos across our regions, we are hosting two virtual visits on December 17th. Welcome Santa into your homes though of Telehealth and Microsoft Teams.
If your child has session on December 17th, they will have the opportunity to participate in our Virtual Santa Event, but we’d like to open the event to all families regardless!
These visits will be in the format of a Microsoft Teams webinar. Though Santa may not be able to see or hear everyone, kiddos will have the ability to interact with Santa through the chat feature.
If you and your child are interested in attending, please login to the meeting that best suits your schedule. We look forward to spreading some ho-ho-holiday magic!
Register Here for Cultivate’s Virtual Santa Event!
12:30-1:30 CST:
3:30-4:30 CST:
Cultivate Telehealth Services
Through Telehealth we can continue to maintain the gains of your child’s treatment and overcome any obstacle that may arise. As an organization, we are committed to helping our patients lead independent productive lives, and this medium will allow us to do just that! We are able to provide different types of services such as parent trainings, 1:1 therapy, and social groups.