What can I expect with Cultivate?
Individualized Treatment Plans
We meet the unique needs of our clients and create a personalized treatment plan. We work on the skills that matter most and focus on treatment goals that will create socially significant change for your family and equip you for success.
Community Trainings
Our Clinical Team includes BCBAs with extensive experience working with education. We can help you navigate through the autism journey in the educational setting especially as it pertains and relates to our programming.
Social Groups
At times, skills need to be targeted with peers rather than just with a BT. Cultivate’s social groups provide the opportunity to work on developing social interactions with multiple peers, including those that are typically developing.
Family Consultation
Our Cultivate Team will come alongside your family to help equip those that need equipping. We can “do life” with you in order to show you what to do, when to do it, and how to best support your entire family.